About CRRA

We Support Alberta Landlords With Tools, Resources & Community

The CRRA is the ultimate resource for Landlords in Alberta

Get up to date information, resources, education, assistance, details, facts, documents and the tools needed to manage all aspects with your tenants and your property.

Meet the CRRA Team

Click on one of the images below to learn more about each member of our team!

Wayne Morishita

Executive Director

Sarah Harrison

Financial and Event Manager, Director of Marketing

Nikki Petrowitz

Administrator and Communications Coordinator

Board of Directors

Brandon Lord


District Manager
Realstar Management

Shamon Kureshi

Vice President

President & CEO
Hope Street Management Corporation

Johnson Ieong


Managing Partner
Fenix Engineering

Marlys Jordan


Chief Executive Officer
Calgary Heritage Housing

Jeffrey Klaus


Vice President, Asset Management & Development
Boardwalk REIT

Kimberly Leriger


Regional Director Operations, Western Canada, Associate
QuadReal Residential Properties LP

Todd Main


Regional Property Manager, Alberta Residential
BentallGreenOak (Canada) Limited Partnership

David McIlveen


Apartment Life Canada

Graeme Mitchell


Senior Vice President, Operations for Southern Region
Avenue Living Communities

Christopher M.A. Souster


Nimmons Law Office

Brenda Blaney


Regional Property Manager
Unitii PM

Josh Weber


Managing Vice President, Property Tax
Northern Property Tax

Helping You Manage Your Rental Business
Every Step of the Way!

CRRA Landlords Guide To Success

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Being prepared is everything in business and being in the landlord business is no exception. Whether you’re managing your property yourself or hiring a property manager, knowing the rules, and having the proper documentation are the prime keys to success. The CRRA provides our Members with the necessary tools to navigate the Residential Tenancies Act of Alberta – the rules that govern your and your tenants’ relationship -and describe your rights and responsibilities.

  • Will you be managing your rental property yourself or be hiring a property manager?
  • Are you aware of the laws that govern rental properties?
  • What are the tax implications for having a rental property?
  • Do you have proper landlord insurance for your property?

Why bother with tenant screening? Improper or a lack of tenant screening is often the cause of most tenancy issues. Your rental property is valuable – why would you not what to know who you’re renting to? Tenant screening can vary from confirming their employment to conducting a credit check, and our resources can help you figure out what you should be doing.

  • Why are tenant credit checks essential for your business?
  • How should you check references?
  • What can you do with the information you collect?

How the CRRA can help:

Now that you’re a landlord, how do you manage your rental business? Improving your business acumen can help you in determining many things, including what the rent should be and what processes you should implement for successful tenancies. The CRRA can show you the best business practices to help you make the best decisions for your business.

  • Do you know how to market and advertise your rental property?
  • How and when should you increase the rent?
  • Do you have a process for collecting rent and other monies?
  • What other fees should you consider collecting?

How the CRRA can help:

Collecting, holding, and returning the security deposit incorrectly is one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a landlord. The CRRA’s resources can help you know and understand the rules surrounding security deposits so that you don’t end up paying the price later.

  • What is the difference between a security deposit and a damage deposit?
  • Collecting, holding & returning: what are the requirements for each?
  • Are security deposits mandatory?
  • What is the security deposit for?

How the CRRA can help:

Inspections are a corner stone in the landlord’s business – they are important and, in some cases, required. Routine Inspections can help you avoid costly repairs and keep a keen eye on your properties. The CRRA is here to give you the knowledge about your rights and responsibilities for your property inspections.

  • What are move-in and move-out inspections?
  • What are your rights as a landlord to inspect your rental property?
  • Is there a reason for doing routine inspections?
  • Why are cleaning lists and setting expectations important?

How the CRRA can help:

A lease agreement puts the terms of your agreement with your tenant on paper, but it also protects you and your rental property. Having a comprehensive lease that you use correctly can help you avoid costly mistakes and hold your tenant accountable. But what can you put in a lease? The CRRA’s forms and resources can point you in the right direction

  • Is your lease valid in Alberta?
  • Will your lease stand up in court?
  • Do you know the difference between a fixed term and a periodic lease?
  • Do you know what you can add to your lease?

How the CRRA can help:

You may be a nice person, but are you being a good landlord? Are you fair, firm, and friendly but made it clear that you’re not your tenant’s friend? Setting expectations and boundaries can help you go from someone who allows bad tenant habits to form (like consistently late rent) to having a good rapport with your tenants

  • What are the rights and rights responsibilities of landlords and tenants?
  • Why should you have a process for managing relationships with your tenants?
  • Do you know how to set proper relationship boundaries & clearly defined expectations?
  • Why is proper documentation so important?

How the CRRA can help:

Do you know what to do when there’s a problem in your rental property? Not only should you have your own processes in place to handle the different issues that can come up, but you should also know what you’re required to do in those situations. The CRRA can help you better understand the steps and offer guidance through common tenancy and property problems.

  • What are your strategies for dealing with tenancy problems like unpaid rent?
  • How do you deal with property damage?
  • Do you know your rights regarding cannabis and smoking in your rental property?
  • What maintenance is the landlord responsible for?

How the CRRA can help:

An eviction is one way a tenancy can end, but how many more way are there? A tenancy ending is not always a difficult process and can be very amicable if you know your way through it. The CRRA offers educational courses and support to help you better understand how to end a tenancy properly.

  • Do you know how to end a tenancy?
  • When would an eviction be appropriate?
  • How does a tenant end their lease?
  • What do you do if your tenant has abandoned the property?

How the CRRA can help:
