Five Tenant Horror Stories – Think Being a Landlord is easy? Think Again!

Five Tenant Horror Stories – Think Being a Landlord is easy? Think Again!

Owning rental property can be a great investment, providing a steady stream of income and the potential for long-term appreciation. However, being a landlord is not always easy. As with any business, there are risks and challenges that come with the territory. One of the biggest challenges faced by landlords is dealing with difficult tenants. In this article, we will share six tenant horror stories that illustrate just how challenging being a landlord can be.

THE HOARDER: One landlord rented out a small apartment to a seemingly normal tenant. However, over time, the landlord noticed that the tenant had a problem with hoarding. The apartment became so cluttered with junk that it was no longer livable. Despite repeated requests to clean up the apartment, the tenant refused. Eventually, the landlord had to evict the tenant and spend thousands of dollars cleaning up the mess.


THE SQUATTER: Another landlord had a tenant who stopped paying rent but refused to leave. Despite multiple eviction notices and court orders, the tenant continued to squat in the apartment. The landlord eventually had to seek professional assistance and go through a lengthy legal process to get the tenant out.


THE PARTY ANIMAL: One landlord rented out a large house to a group of young adults. At first, everything seemed fine. However, the landlord soon realized that the tenants were throwing loud parties every weekend, disturbing the neighbours and causing damage to the property. The landlord had to evict the tenants and spend thousands of dollars repairing the damage.


THE CON ARTIST: A landlord rented out an apartment to a tenant who seemed to have good credit and references. However, after moving in, the tenant stopped paying rent and refused to leave. The landlord discovered that the tenant had used fake references and credit reports to secure the apartment. The landlord had to evict the tenant and lost thousands of dollars in unpaid rent.


THE ANIMAL ABUSER: One landlord rented out a house to a tenant who had a dog. Over time, the landlord noticed that the dog was becoming increasingly thin and malnourished. After investigating, the landlord discovered that the tenant was neglecting and abusing the dog. The landlord had to evict the tenant and report the abuse to the authorities.


These horror stories illustrate just how difficult being a landlord can be. Dealing with difficult tenants can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive. However, there are steps that landlords can take to protect themselves, such as carefully screening tenants, setting clear expectations and responding promptly to any issues that arise. You’re not alone, the Calgary Residential Rental Association (CRRA) is here to support you with up to date information, resources, education, assistance, details, facts, documents and the tools needed to manage all aspects with your tenants and your property. With the right approach, owning rental property can still be a rewarding investment.

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